I won't bore you with all the details, but in summary....
I've been to see doctors...lots of doctors.
I've had tests...lots of tests.
They put me in a cast..for 5 weeks (AT CHRISTMAS)!
I've been scanned in multiple fashions, they even shot me with radioactive dye...
They still don't know why I hurt or how to fix it.
But they did after 6 months of appointments finally give me some steroid meds.
They helped...a little.
But at least enough for me to SEW AGAIN!!!!
So I started slow with this...
Ok that was easy enough.
Now on to this....

Yay! I'm so glad to see you're back! You better take is easy though. And yep, that ruffle on the dress was easy to do and came out looking nice. But a bow at the top is necessary to cover the stitching for the casing around the neck. KWIM?
Thanks Angel!! I am so happy to be back, even if only in half capacity lol! I've got a few orders to get out before i try that ruffle on the top...but I can't wait!
Hi Allison, I love your designs-they are really creative and So cheerful! I used to make clothes too, but haven't made anything for ages...I must say that you really inspired me and I'm itching for a project. I have recently made a blog devoted to children-fashion, interiors, crafts, etc. I do hope that you'll be interested to visit.
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