I've been tagged by Angel of
Here are the rules:
1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

1- I like to play a dangerous game called "Don't Set the Alarm Clock" everyday. Pretty much everyday my 5 yr old son gets up at like 5:30 or 6 AM, bangs around in the bathroom like a wild animal, and wakes his sister up. So I ALMOST never need one. But there are days every once in a long while we end up late to school :(. Bad Mommy I know! So why don't I just set the dang thing??!! I think I just don't like clocks (or people for that matter) telling me what to do....
2- In my former working life I was a Firearms Examiner (also known on TV shows as Ballistics Expert) for our state Crime Lab. I loved that job, but believe me it is not nearly as exciting or cool as on TV- and does not pay as well as people think either!
3- I have a really gross Double Bubble addiction... I LOVE the taste of a fresh piece so sometimes in secret I will sit and chew a piece for about 1 minute, spit it out, get another, etc., etc....
4- I am probably the only mom on the planet who cranks up the Fry Daddy everyday and begs my son to eat french fries. My 5 yr old has Autism and is on the Gluten and
Casein Free Diet which means he cannot eat any foods with milk/dairy or wheat products, which basically
eliminates everything that kids eat. No pizza, mac and cheese, chicken nuggets, milk, chocolate....I could go on. Avoiding these foods which are common triggers for
behavioral issues in many kids with and without Autism has DRASTICALLY improved his behavior. He eats tons of sandwich meats, fruits, and veggies, but almost nothing with any fat. So...... everyday I make him fresh french fries and homemade chicken nuggets with a special made from scratch non-wheat breading. I keep careful track of his calories
everyday to make sure he is getting enough.
Some days it is
exhausting, but I know first hand that it is worth it and I also know so many families who have much more to deal with than us, we are blessed!
5- I sometimes pretend I can't hear the
rukkus of the kids calling me over the sound of my
serger so my dear husband will have to go handle it :).
6- Our family only has 1 car. We got rid of my husband's expensive tricked out 2 door Solaria from his bachelor days when I quit work, and somehow we have just never bought another one. We get along just fine!
7- I am hooked on House Hunters and Designed to Sell. I think I am just nosy and like to see inside other people's houses!
Ok I Tag.....
Funky Monkey Beth
The Pink TulipKate
Goo Goo BabyDenise
The Fairy PixelMistie hbd!Erin
The Vintage PearlKathy
Panache Design StudioI thought this was a funny little experiment..... As if I actually even remotely ressemble these people. Who are some of them anyway??? I think it just compares the angle and tilt of your face. Robby did his a few weeks ago and one of his top matches was.... Richard Simmons! Hee Hee Hee HEE HEE Ha Ha Ho Ho Ho Hee Hee (Ok, I'll stop now:) !