For as long as I can remember, my L2 has NOT wanted anything to do with getting her ears pierced. I have not pushed or prodded her along in any particular direction (although I have secretly been wanting to see some sparkles in those tiny ears), but when she was 2 and saw her little baby cousin with earrings she wanted to know if it would hurt...I didn't lie, but I tried to not make a big deal about it either.
Well, on our Disney encounter with little Emmy and Rilyn she noticed that they both had some sparkley earrings of their own. Little Emmy even told her that it only hurt this little bit (picture tiny fingers pressed together). So that was enough for her...the need for earrings has been strong since then.

I was fully prepared for the worst though when I heard that the Claire's at our mall only had one worker person til later in the day, meaning she could not have both ears done at the same time. She had a Baby Sleeping Beauty and Baby Prince Phillip sitting in her lap and the promise that she could take them home as soon as BOTH ear#1 AND ear #2 were done. Only one ear = no Babies leave the store.
I don't know why I even worried though, she wanted those sparkle flowers earrings more than anything and did not even flinch when each ear was done. I was ready for the full on crying and she did not even shed a tear! Four is such a wonderful age!

This one of course does not even show the earrings, but just look at how happy that girl is to have them!
Oh Allison, I'm so excited London got her ears pierced, she does look so happy!!!! So did she think it hurt only "this" much too!!! What a sweetie pie!!
How exciting!! Love her dimples in that last picture - SUCH a cutie pie!!
She looks ADORABLE!
Your pictures are gorgeous.
Aw, thanks girls!!
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