Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My Sweet Little Potty Mouth

L2 has discovered that some words are just funnier than others....Robby just hates it when she says "butt" so he is constantly trying to correct her and make her say "bottom" instead. Well apparently there is nothing a fiesty almost 4 yr old likes to do more than irk her daddy because the more he says "bottom" the more ways she finds to talk about "butts". Today she says "Hey, a bug bit my BUTT!" Of course daddy tells her to say bottom, she snickers and says "A bug bit my bottom BUTT!" (say that 5 times fast :). He gives her a very disapproving glare and she responds "Hee Hee underwear! UNDERWEAR!!!!! BUTT!!! BUTT!! UNDERWEAR!!!" and then falls out of her chair laughing. I had to walk into the hallway and giggle myself!

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