Wednesday, October 1, 2008

For the Love of......

Animals that is...

L2 will literally catch any baby creature that moves...lizards, frogs, worms, name it, she has come running at me with it pinched between her little fingers begging to make a home for it in her room. We have a rule that all the creepy crawlies have to be "returned to their Mommies" after a brief observation period (ya know in the name of science and all) so as not to make them "worry" over their missing babies. This is "Princess the Lizard" if you were wondering.

L1 took his prized goldfish aptly named "The Golden Boy" to church tonight to be blessed in honor of St Francis. He is suppose to live a long and happy life from now on....we shall see.....


Tammy said...

AWWWW that is so sweet!

Jona Giammalva said...

Oh boy, I hope that goldfish works out! We haven't tried fish yet (just lots of rodents). I once mistook dish detergent for fish food when I was a little girl and the results were tragic.